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MI Native Producers

Passionate Beeing

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  3. Passionate Beeing
9028 Lakeridge Ct, Alto, MI 49302

Passionate Beeing

Bee Information
Bees for sale?
  • Queens
  • Nucs
What characteristics do you use to select your breeding stock?
Gentleness, easy to work with, productivity, strength of colony to overwinter, honey production
Where is the source of your bees and what strain(s) are they?
Originally they were from Mike Risk in Lansing. Italian
Where do the bees overwinter?
In my apiary in Michigan
Do the bees spend the whole season in your home location? If not, where do they go and when, and for how long?
Do you monitor for varroa mites? How and how often?
Yes we monitor three times per year and treat accordingly as needed using formic acid in the spring, Apivar in the fall, and Oxalic acid late fall. We have only lost one hive in five years using this method.
Have your hives been inspected by an inspector?
No by a licensed inspector but they have been inspected many times by a bee keeping mentor with over 65 years of bee keeping experience.
Anything else? (e.g. describe your operation)
We have a small apiary ranging from six to ten hives on our property. We like to keep it this size and if we need to split we are willing to sell off Nucs to keep our total hive count in this range.
Contact Information
Phone: (616) 540-5288