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Bee Exchange


MI Native Producers
Passionate Beeing
Alto, MI 49302 United States
Passionate Beeing
Bee Information | |
Bees for sale? | |
If "Other" please explain | |
Due to the passing of a long time bee keeper in West Michigan there is an extensive amount of bee keeping equipment available at reasonable cost. There are well over 1,000 boxes with frames of varying depths and types, many many hive feeders, and two extractors. Every type of honey bee equipment needed to have and maintain over 300 hives is available including equipment to make comb honey. The equipment available ranges from new in box to used with most of it in the good condition used category.
Contact me to find out what is currently available. The equipment will need to be picked up as shipping is not available. Thank you for you help in keeping our friend's dreams alive of caring for the bees. |
Anything else? (e.g. describe your operation) | |
We are not offering bees at this time just bee equipment as listed under the other category. |