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Selling Nucs

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Bee Exchange


MI Native Producers

Michael Andrews

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1724 Yallup Rd, Saint Johns, MI 48879, USA

Michael Andrews

Bee Information
Bees for sale?
  • Queens
  • Nucs
What characteristics do you use to select your breeding stock?
Ability to survive Michigan winters, gentleness, good honey crop
Where is the source of your bees and what strain(s) are they?
My queens are Michigan Mutt survivors that have come from various queen breeders expressing some VSH
Where do the bees overwinter?
Do the bees spend the whole season in your home location? If not, where do they go and when, and for how long?
yes, they remain all year in my mid-Michigan apiary
Do you monitor for varroa mites? How and how often?
Yes, I sample the apiary at the end of the summer flow
Have your hives been inspected by an inspector?
Anything else?
I sell overwintered, spring and summer NUCs and queens as they are available
Contact Information
Phone: (989) 640-6216