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Jason Crook

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Bohemia Bees
104 Welders Ln, Warwick, MD 21912, United States

Jason Crook

Bee Information
Bees for sale?
  • Queens
  • Nucs
  • Other
If "Other" please explain
Where beekeeping is more than a hobby...it's an obsession!!

At Bohemia Apiary, we practice sustainable beekeeping techniques in order to grow our apiaries in a traditional yet unconventional approach to the craft. Founded in 2015 owner & operator Jason Crook established his first colony on the eastern shore of Maryland. Over the last several years through mentorship and research the apiary has grown 10x and his passion for the Apis mellifera has also allowed his hobby turn into a thriving apiary. Completing his Master Beekeeping Certification in 2020, Jason has been able to take the age-old craft of keeping bees to the rolling acres in Warwick on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

Whether the sweet rewards of a spring honey harvest interest you or the byproducts of natural beeswax products, beekeeping equipment, services, and even locally bread queens or bees. Bohemia Apiary has what you need if you are a hobbyist, sideliner, or just a curious onlooker of the amazing honeybees.

What characteristics do you use to select your breeding stock?
Overwintering, Productivity, Gentleness/Demeanor, Spring build-up, VSH
Where is the source of your bees and what strain(s) are they?
I bring a variety of queen sources and allow them to mate with my local Eastern Shore MD drones to produce the Eastern Shore Mutt
I pull from Cory Stephens - Stephens Bee Company, Latshaw Apiaries daughters via Wood Camp Farms, Appalachian Mutts - Natures Image Farm, and California Mutts - California Beekeeper Uribe Honeybees.
Where do the bees overwinter?
Eastern Shore of MD (avg low during winter 46°F)
Do the bees spend the whole season in your home location? If not, where do they go and when, and for how long?
We offer local pollination services on the eastern shore of MD so they will move within a 40–50-mile radius but typically overwinter in Warwick, MD
Do you monitor for varroa mites? How and how often?
Yes, we have an active testing and treating program.
Have your hives been inspected by an inspector?
Anything else?
We raise our queens from local stock, they are not imported from commercial pollination breeders. Our queens are not pure breeds, as most queens will mate with multiple drones, they have Carniolan, Buckfast, Saskatraz, and some Italian characteristics so they are essentially "mutts". Our queens perform well in the Northeastern region and have shown VSH behaviors in their colony dynamics. We have had great success on the eastern shore of Maryland.


Number of queens interested in exchanging at any one time (are you looking for 40, or just a couple)?
What type of queens do you have available to trade?
Locally raised queen bees. We raise our queens from local stock, they are not imported from commercial pollination breeders. Our queens are not pure breeds, as most queens will mate with multiple drones, they have Carniolan, Buckfast, Saskatraz, and some Italian characteristics so they are essentially "mutts". Our queens perform well in the Northeastern region and have shown VSH behaviors in their colony dynamics. We have had great success on the eastern shore of Maryland.
Contact Information
Phone: (302) 218-5503