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Selling Nucs

Selling Queens

Bee Exchange


MI Native Producers
Colby VandenToorn
40 Harvey Street, Muskegon, MI 49442, USA
Bee Information | |
Bees for sale? | |
If "Other" please explain | |
Some bee supplies in the spring, nuc boxes, frames, boxes. We sell leftover from the pallets we order. | |
What characteristics do you use to select your breeding stock? | |
Do they come out of winter strong, do they lay a lot of brood, are they easy to work. | |
Where is the source of your bees and what strain(s) are they? | |
Acquired from a Mel Disselkoen lineage 11 years ago, Michigan mutts (Italian, Carnolian main lines). | |
Where do the bees overwinter? | |
In all three yards, Muskegon, Grand Rapids (x2). | |
Do the bees spend the whole season in your home location? If not, where do they go and when, and for how long? | |
Yes | |
Do you monitor for varroa mites? How and how often? | |
We treat by splitting in the spring, then during every two week inspection of the yards we will look for signs of emerging mites. If the signs are heavy and the amount of time after a split lines up with the mite cycle then we will treat. Usually spring treatment for overwintered queens only, then a summer and fall treatment. | |
Have your hives been inspected by an inspector? | |
No |
Selling Nucs