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Selling Nucs

Selling Queens

Bee Exchange


MI Native Producers
Breezy Hollow Bees
Northumberland, PA 17857, United States
Breezy Hollow Bees
Bee Information | |
Bees for sale? | |
What characteristics do you use to select your breeding stock? | |
1. Overwintering Ability 2. Gentle Temperament 3. Honey Gathering Ability 4. Disease Resistance |
Where is the source of your bees and what strain(s) are they? | |
Our queens are selected from our best overwintered stock and from breeders that have genetics that we wish to introduce. Our bees are a hybrid of Italian and Carniolan stock that is open mated to our local drone population. | |
Where do the bees overwinter? | |
Central Pennsylvania | |
Do the bees spend the whole season in your home location? If not, where do they go and when, and for how long? | |
All of our bees are managed in the Susquehanna River Valley throughout the season and overwintered in the same area. | |
Do you monitor for varroa mites? How and how often? | |
Alcohol washes are performed throughout the active brood rearing season on a monthly basis or more frequently if necessary. | |
Have your hives been inspected by an inspector? | |
We are inspected by the PA Department of Agriculture annually. We are approved to sell queen bees and nucleus colonies by the PA Dept of Agriculture. |
Anything else? (e.g. describe your operation) | |
We are a producer of nucleus colonies and honeybee queens to be made available to the hobbyist beekeeper and the sideliner that is not producing their own queens and wants to diversify their genetics. We maintain between 50-100 colonies that include nucleus and honey production hives depending on the time of year. |
Selling Nucs
Selling Queens
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