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Selling Nucs

Selling Queens

Bee Exchange


MI Native Producers
Bee Monks – Holy Cross Monastery
Wayne, WV 25570 United States
Bee Monks - Holy Cross Monastery
Bee Information | |
Bees for sale? | |
What characteristics do you use to select your breeding stock? | |
Characteristics important to the Bee Monks are: Quick Spring Buildup, Honey Production, and Overwintering. To select for those characteristics each colony must survive winter, produce enough bees for one or two nucs to sell, and make a honey crop relative to the available nectar flow. | |
Where is the source of your bees and what strain(s) are they? | |
The stocks that Bee Monks are currently working with are: VP Queens "Spartan" Carniolans,, Dr. Joe Latshaw's "Aurea" Italians, Sue Cobey's New World Carniolan, and New River Honey Bees' Buckfast. | |
Where do the bees overwinter? | |
Bees overwinter in the hills of heavenly West Virginia. | |
Do the bees spend the whole season in your home location? If not, where do they go and when, and for how long? | |
The bees stay in beautiful West Virginia, year-round. | |
Do you monitor for varroa mites? How and how often? | |
Every colony is monitored for varroa mites every month, May-October. | |
Have your hives been inspected by an inspector? | |
Bee Monks has a wonderful working relationship with our State Apiarist, Shanda King and her Seasonal Inspector, Robert Elliot. They were both in Bee Monks' apiaries the last week of April 2023, along with our local Veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Summerfield, who had never been in a hive of bees. |
Selling Nucs
Selling Queens
Contact Information
Fr.Benedict (304)360-8061
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